Testnet campaign

Feb 26 to Apr 29, 2024

From Feb 26th, our testnet website will be opened to testers, along with the mint event of the Deltadisk NFT collection.

Details about how to become a tester and benefit from our testnet campaign are below.

As a tester

To become a tester, you have to own one NFT Deltadisk. The minting of NFT collection will be at the same time as the launch of testnet website, which will be public on our Twitter.

There are 5000 Deltadisk NFTs: 1500 NFTs for public mint, and 3500 for DeltaBot marketing and partnership. If you can't participate in the public mint, you can buy Deltadisk NFTs on Paras.

Each Deltadisk NFT holder can claim testnet tokens daily, use our strategies to increase their holding of testnet tokens. Testers are incentivized to accumulate testnet tokens as testnet tokens can be reverted to real mainnet tokens at a certain rate in the future.

As an influencer/KOL

You can participate in our referral program to earn more testnet tokens. To be an influencer/KOL for DeltaBot, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you:


Last updated