What is DCA?

DCA(Dollar-Cost Averaging) is an investment strategy where an investor divides up the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase.

The purchases occur regardless of the asset's price and at regular intervals.

This strategy is intended to mitigate the risk of making a single large investment at the wrong time by spreading the investment out and buying at an average price over time.

Key Features:

  • Investment Intervals: Specifies the frequency of investments, such as daily, weekly, or monthly.

  • Buy or Sell: Typically used for buying assets over time, DCA can also be applied to gradually sell assets, aiming to achieve an average price effect.

  • Transparency and Security: The strategy is implemented through smart contracts, ensuring all operations are publicly transparent.

How to use?

  1. Set Parameters:

    1. Select “create”

    2. Choose “buy” or “sell”

    3. Choose the frequency, every X minutes or every X days

    4. Select the start time. By default, the start time is “now”

    5. Enter the amount for each order. This is the amount you will buy (or sell) in each DCA order

    6. Enter the number of executions. When the number of executions is reached, this DCA order will automatically close

    7. Enter the vault name

  2. Choose whether to set price limits for each order. If needed, set the highest and lowest prices. DCA will only be executed if the price falls within the range of your pricing strategy.

  1. Review DCA creation details. After setting all necessary parameters, you can review the estimated number of orders and total amount for the DCA plan. Click “create” to successfully create the DCA.

  1. View details of the DCA vault. After activating the DCA plan, you can check its progress and details at any time. In the lower left corner of the DCA page, you will see your active and completed DCA orders.

  2. End the DCA plan. Whenever you want to end the DCA plan, simply click “close vault” and then click “confirm”.

You can set up a DCA plan for any tokens available on DeltaTrade.

Last updated