Introduction to Near Protocol

NEAR Protocol operates as a blockchain platform with the primary objective of democratizing access to decentralized technology. Through integrating blockchain functionalities and a user-friendly interface, NEAR Protocol simplifies engagement with decentralized applications (dApps) for developers and users alike. By eliminating the need for technical expertise, NEAR Protocol ensures that participation in the blockchain revolution remains inclusive across various demographics.

One notable strength of NEAR Protocol is its exceptional scalability, a feature often lacking in traditional blockchain networks. Unlike traditional blockchains, which struggle with large transaction volumes, resulting in slow processing times and high fees, NEAR Protocol overcomes these challenges with scalability. This scalability ensures efficient processing of transactions and lower fees, thus enhancing the overall user experience within the decentralized ecosystem.

To test Delta Bot, one has to create a testnet wallet using and use the following instructions to make a testnet wallet:

Step 1: Create your password to unlock your wallet

Step 2: Reserve your account ID

Step 3: Select your security method

Step 4: Setup your secret passphrase

Step 5: Verify Phrase

Once you have your testnet wallet set up, go to and connect your wallet by clicking on the top right corner

Once connected u need to click on the Faucet icon in the top right corner to get the test tokens:

You will need your DeltaDisk NFT ready on your mainnet wallet to bind NFT to receive the test tokens.

Once the bidding is done you will be redirected back to the Delta Bot Main Site.

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