MultiChain - Chain Abstraction(Coming Soon)

How to support MultiChain?

DeltaTrade utilizes Near's Chain Abstraction technology to enable multi-chain support, allowing users to utilize DeltaTrade deployed on the Near blockchain without the need to hold a Near account.


Creation Steps:

  1. Users invoke a method on a contract controlled by Chain Abstraction on ChainA, transferring assets into the contract while including the desired Trading Vault parameters and their signature.

  2. An Oracle detects the user's request on ChainA and relays it to the Near chain's contract.

  3. The DeltaTrade contract on Near creates a dedicated internal account for the ChainA user (or uses an existing one if already created), verifies the user’s signature and the provided parameters (the internal account records a nonce, which is part of the signature to prevent replay attacks). If verified, it credits the mapped assets and executes the creation of the Trading Vault according to the user's parameters.

Closing Steps:

  1. Users sign a "Close" signature and send it to DeltaTrade.

  2. DeltaTrade's Relayer role uploads the signature to the blockchain, sending it to the DeltaTrade contract.

  3. The DeltaTrade contract verifies the user’s signature and provided parameters; if they match, it executes the Close operation and signs a withdrawal transaction on ChainA using Chain Abstraction technology.

  4. DeltaTrade's Relayer obtains the Chain Abstraction signature and assists the user in executing the transaction on ChainA.

  5. The user receives their assets on ChainA.

Last updated