Fund Security

Fund Security

Recharge Safety

When users create a Trading Vault on the DeltaTrade platform, they are required to deposit the necessary funds into a specific DeltaTrade contract.

It is important to note that after the official release, DeltaTrade will discard the Admin Key and close the upgrade gateway, meaning that no one will be able to redeploy or modify the contract's logic.

This measure ensures that the user's funds are secure and that DeltaTrade cannot access or control these funds beyond the predefined contract terms.

Contract Isolation

Each Trading Vault is associated with a distinct DeltaTrade contract, ensuring that funds are segregated and protected.

This isolation prevents any potential cross-contamination of assets between different Trading Vault, enhancing the security of user investments.

Shutdown Interface

DeltaTrade provides a shutdown mode for all Trading Vault.

In the event that DeltaTrade activates this shutdown mode, all user assets within the Trading Vault contracts are locked, and users can only withdraw their funds independently.

This feature serves as an emergency measure to protect user assets under unforeseen circumstances.

Order Placement Security

The ability of DeltaTrade to place orders, and the types of orders it can place, are strictly governed by the Trading Vault's strategy.

Each order placement is subject to strategy verification within the contract itself. This ensures that all orders are in line with the user-defined strategy and mitigates the risk of unauthorized or erroneous transactions.

Last updated